
Andy Mai

Georgia Institute of Technology

Atlanta, Georgia


About Me

I am a Freshman at the Georgia Institute of Technology majoring in Industrial and Systems Engineering. 


I am an active member of my school and I am heavily involved in student council, Compass ambassadors, and other student organizations. We are an integral part of the school as we plan Homecoming, Canned food drives, Pep Rallies, and Prom.

For example, I helped collect cans for our school’s canned food drive. I also helped package the cans into boxes and transport them to the distribution facility. Our school collected over 18,000 cans to ensure that underprivileged students in our local community wouldn’t go hungry over fall break.


As team captain of the JV academic bowl team of my school, I lead my team to win regionals and the state championship.

I lettered in Academics in 9th and 10th grade. 

I served on Student Council in 10th and 11th grade.

I taught myself how to make money and made thousands of dollars by playing video games for a summer.


Boy Scouts: I have been in the Boy Scouts of America since the fifth grade. It has given me the opportunity to experience many new things, to meet new people, and to learn new skills. I have spent thousands of hours camping and have served countless leadership roles including Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, Patrol Leader, Instructor, and Assistant Patrol Leader. I also attended the National Youth Leadership Training to further my leadership skills.

Academic Bowl: I have been in Academic Bowl since I joined High School. I found a passion for the club because it encourages academic creativity. The club has taught me valuable leadership skills as I served as the Captain of the Junior Varsity Team.


          I am an officer of my local school's Math National Honor Society. (Mu Alpha Theta).

          I tutor math to struggling kids several times a week during lunch in order to help others. 

I also participate in service projects in Boy Scouts. 

          We often restore roads, collect and donate items, and help with eagle scout projects. We have had various service projects throughout the 6 years I have been in Boy Scouts. I am currently in the process of my eagle project.

I also serve as a Compass Ambassador for my school. 

          We volunteer and represent the school at all events including any sports-related games, orientations, school tours, and after-school events. I have been in Compass Ambassadors ever since I started high school.

           I also volunteer twice a week at my local public library. I shelve and sort books while helping customers.


Many of my extracurricular activities have taught me valuable skills that I will utilize in the present and the future. Boy Scouts has taught me valuable teamwork and leadership skills. The skill that I value most is teamwork because it teaches you to work with everyone whether you like them or not. My teamwork and leadership skills are about the same however my self-motivation surpasses those as I like to plan out things ahead of time and always make sure that I am on track for success.


Degree/Certificate Programs

Bio-Medical Engineering, Pre-medicine

Additional College Activity Interests

Student Government, Study Abroad Programs


Degree/Certificate Programs

Pre-Medicine has always peaked my interest because of my desire to help others. I have always wanted to be a Physician/Radiologist because I love solving problems. By utilizing modern technology, Radiologists are able to diagnose many diseases and injuries through medical imaging.

Additional College Activity Interests

I have always enjoyed being active at my school and I found my passion in Student government. Study Abroad Programs also peak my interest because I love to travel and experience new cultures.


I have a passion for traveling. I love to experience new cultures and ways of viewing things.  I have traveled to China, Mexico, Canada, Japan, the Bahamas, and all over the US.


9th grade

AP Human Geography

Honors Algebra /Geometry B

Honors Lit/Comp 9th

Honors Biology

French II

Accelerated PreCalculus

Intro to Digital Technology

Health / Physical Fitness

10th grade

AP Calculus AB

AP Calculus BC

AP World History

AP Statistics

Honors Chemistry

French III

Honors Lit/Comp 10th

American Language 11th

11th grade

AP Macroeconomics

AP Physics 1

AP Chemistry

AP Computer Science Principles

AP French

AP Environmental Science

Multivariable Calculus

US History

12th grade

Scientific Research

AP Physics 2

AP Biology

AP Government

AP Psychology

British Literature

Contact Information

Andy Mai

Cell: (678)-510-6522

Emails: andymaiohmai@gmail.com

Business Inquiries: andymaibusiness@gmail.com

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